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↩️ How to Refund a Payment

Whether it’s because of an accidental overpayment or a patient contesting what they owe, occasionally you’ll need to refund a payment.

Here’s how to do it:

1. Navigate to the Patient’s Profile

The Speedy Way

Press Cmd + K for Mac users, or Ctrl + K for PC users. This will bring up a universal search box. Simply begin typing the patient’s name and select their Patient Profile.

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The Classic Way

Click on the Patient Responsibility tab and search for the patient in question from there.

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2. View the Payment

Now that you’re in the patient’s profile, there are two ways you can view the payment: the Charges tab, or the Transaction History tab.

The process is the same for both, so for this example we’ll use the Charges tab.

Look for the transaction in question and click View Details

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3. Refund the Payment

On the Transaction Details table, find the specific transaction you want to refund, and click the Refund Payment button.

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Specify the method, amount and reason for the refund in the popup. Click Refund.

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Now choose your method of refund from the following options:

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  • Credits Refund: This payment will become a credit on the patient’s account, and will be applied against future balances due.
  • Card Refund: This will refund directly to the credit card that the payment was originally made on. This option may not be available if the original payment was taken outside of Athelas.
  • Record External Refund: If you’re choosing to pay the patient back with cash, check, or any other method outside of Athelas Insights, use this option to record that the refund has taken place.

For Partial Refunds select refund type as “Partial”, then enter the desired refund amount to be refunded back

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  • Then click the ‘Refund’ button to confirm and finalize the refund.
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4. Refund Complete!

You should now see a new row in the transaction table showing the refund you just triggered.

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If you refunded to credits, that new credit will appear in the ‘Credits’ sub-tab.

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Important Note: Leftover PR When you refund a payment in Athelas Insights, that does not automatically remove any patient responsibility associated with the payment For example, when you collect a $75 Self-Pay payment for an appointment, Athelas automatically creates a $75 unit of PR linked to the payment. If you then refund the $75 payment, that leaves behind the PR creating a balance due. To erase both the payment and its implied PR, you will need to go into the Charges sub-tab and cancel the PR as well. You can read about how to do that in the How to Cancel Patient Responsibility help guide.
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