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🥉How to Edit Credits on a Patient’s Account

A quick guide for adding or removing credits from a patient’s account.

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At a Glance

Credits on Athelas Insights provide flexible means of remedying accidental charges, allowing patients to pay for future appointments, or for any scenario in which payments were incorrectly applied.

Note 1. This feature may be restricted to Billing Managers and/or Administrators only. 2. See this guide to refund a payment through a patient’s transaction history. 3. For a complete overview of the credits system in Insights, check out this guide.

Add Credits to a Patient’s Account

Navigate to the patient’s profile in question and click on the Credits tab, then choose Edit Credits.

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Fill in the required information, including a reason for either adding or removing credits.

Notice that credits can be tied to a particular Date of Service, or set as Flexible credits to be used for any transaction. If no date of service is set, the credits will default to the Flexible designation.

In this example, we’ll add to the Flexible Credits (available credits) pool.

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Click Confirm.

Now, we can view the newly added credits by clicking the corresponding expansion icon.

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Remove Credits from a Patient’s Account

To remove credits, simply click Edit Credits in the patient’s Credits tab as before, but choose Remove in the modal.

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Click Confirm. The credit removal will also be listed in the Credits tab.

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Moving Credits Between Dates of Service

You can also move credits between Flexible status and a Date of Service, or any permutation of those two things. Simply click Move Credits Between Dates of Service on a patient’s Credits tab.


In this example, we’ll move all credits from 7/31/2024 to 9/3/2024.

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Click Confirm.

You will now see an explanation of the origin of these credits on their new Date of Service.

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Manually Release Locked Credits

If you really want to unlock credits and you are absolutely sure that Insights is waiting needlessly for a decision by a payer who won’t respond, you can manually unlock the credits.

From the Patient Responsibility page, switch to the Locked Credits tab.

Select which patients’ credits you wish you unlock.

Click Unlock Credits.

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Refund to Card

If you simply need to refund an overpayment, click the Refund to Card button on a patient’s Credits tab.

Keep in mind that the patient must have created the credits in question via SmartPay or an Athelas card reader for this refund flow to work.

If this is not the case, feel free to refund some other way, for example by cutting a check and manually editing the credits accordingly, with an explanatory note.

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📢 Further Assistance

We’re here to help! Please get in touch with if you’d like some hands-on assistance.

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