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🔨 Posting Tools Mini-Guide: How to Create a Custom Adjustment

An excerpt of the Posting Tools guide showing the section on making a custom adjustment on an encounter.

At a Glance

Sometimes, a situation arises in which making adjustments to existing remittances won’t lead to the ideal result. In these cases, you can create a custom adjustment.

Custom adjustments can be risky, as they may lack validity and skew balances without cause. Please make them with caution. This guide is excerpted from the Posting Tools guide.

How to Create a Custom Adjustment

On the Posting Tool page, navigate to the encounter in question. Click to expand its listed procedures. Find the procedure you want to adjust and click Post/Adjust.

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Click the + button above the Actions column to Create a Custom Adjustment to suit your specific needs.

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Select the claim your adjustment should be associated with and click Confirm. A Custom Adjustment preview row, highlighted purple, will appear in the Posted Payments section.

Everything is adjustable when performing a custom adjustment. Click the pencil icon that appears when you hover your cursor over each category in that row to manually adjust the amount shown for that column.

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⚠️ You’ll see popup warnings if you attempt to edit a risky category, like Insurance Paid.

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If you would like to cancel the custom adjustment, simply click the Undo arrow in the Actions column.

Once you’ve got everything adjusted to your specifications, be sure to click Confirm Posting to save your work.

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The encounter's stage, status, and summary metrics will take a moment to refresh, but should update quickly. PR may take a minute or two to update before it is added to the patient’s account.

📢 Further Assistance

We’re here to help! Please get in touch with if you’d like some hands-on assistance.

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