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🚛 How to Download EDIs in Bulk

What EDI is, and how to filter and retrieve EDI files from remittances in a few clicks.

What is EDI?

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the automated transfer of data in a specific format following specific data content rules between a health care provider and Medicare, or between Medicare and another health care plan. In some cases, that transfer may take place with the assistance of a clearinghouse or billing service that represents a provider of health care or another payer. EDI transactions are transferred via computer either to or from Medicare. Through use of EDI, both Medicare and health care providers can process transactions faster and at a lower cost.

Essentially, EDI is remittance information from the payer. It is also known as an 835 file.

Why Do I Need EDI Files?

Generally, billing staff will use EDI files to post payments into their system for any remittances received by Athelas.

Athelas automatically posts these to our claims in Insights.


Here’s How to Download EDI Files

Navigate to the Remittances page. When you’re ready, click Download EDIs.

You can use the considerable array of filters to pinpoint the time frame, check number, insurance name, or any other factors you would like. Be sure to click Apply!

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After filtering, you can hover your cursor over the Download EDIs button to see a tooltip reporting the number of EDIs matching your filters.

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The toggles at the bottom of this Remittance Viewer allow you to include or exclude Non-Athelas Claims as well as those Unposted to EHR. You can also choose to hide Non-Clearinghouse Remittances, like any that may come directly from the payer (EOBs, for example) or manual entries.

You’ll receive an email with a zip file containing your EDIs.

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❗️Important Note: While standard software generally cannot read EDI files, your EHR will likely be able to do so.


That’s it!

📢 Further Assistance

We’re here to help! Please get in touch with if you’d like some hands-on assistance.

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