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💳 How to Save, Not Save, Add, or Remove Credit Cards for Future Payments

Set your site’s default action on saving credit card information with the option of manually opting in or out on individual transactions, and add a card without charging it.

At a Glance

There are a number of avenues through which customers can pay for things via credit card in Athelas. This guide will show you how to set up your site to save, or not save, credit cards by default, and how to manually toggle saved cards on or off on a case-by-case basis. Also, this guide will explain how to add a card to a patient’s profile without charging them, as well as how to remove a saved card.

Setting a Site-wide Default

From the Patient Responsibility page, click on the ‘Actions’ menu and choose PR Settings.

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Under the General tab, find the Card Fees section. Here, you can set the default for your site by toggling ‘Auto-Save Patient Credit Cards’ on or off.

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Opting In or Out on Individual Payments

In the Appointments page, choose the patient you would like to charge and click ‘Proceed to Charge.’

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Select ‘Pay with Credit Card.’ If there are no saved cards on this account, you will have the option to ‘Save this Credit Card’ and then enter the card information.

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If there is a card saved, you will have the option to either select a saved card or enter a new card.

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You can also view all saved cards associated with the patient on their profile.

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Add a Card Without Charging

If you would like to put a card on file without charging it, simply navigate to the patient profile and click on the ‘Cards on File’ dropdown menu, then ‘Add New Credit Card.’

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Remove a Saved Card

To remove a saved card, simply open the ‘Cards on File’ dropdown menu on the patient’s profile and click the trash icon next to the card you want to remove.

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📢 Further Assistance

We’re here to help! Please get in touch with if you’d like some hands-on assistance.

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