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📑 How to Send Supporting Documentation

Send supporting documentation, either on its own or with a modified claim.

At a Glance

This walkthrough details how to upload documentation that isn’t automatically uploaded through a rule created by your organization. To learn about how auto-sending supporting documentation works, check out this overview.

Here’s How to Do It

Only Send Supporting Documentation

On the Claim Detail page, choose a claim that needs supporting documentation. Go to the Actions menu and click Send Documentation.

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This popup will appear. Fill out the form, upload the documentation, and click Send Documentation.

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Modify and Resubmit the Entire Claim

From the Claim Detail page, click into a claim and then open the Actions menu. Then choose Modify & Resubmit.

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A popup form will appear with editable fields for all the claim’s information. Be sure to scroll down–it’s a long form.

Update the fields as needed, then click Save & Resubmit Claim at the top of the form.

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Further Assistance

📢 We’re here to help! Please contact your account manager if you would like some hands-on assistance.

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