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📡 How to Spread PR Statement Emails and/or Text Messages Over Time

Send PR text messages evenly throughout the week. This way, your office staff won’t be overwhelmed by communications and PR gets collected on a consistent basis.

At a Glance

When all of your patients with outstanding PR receive an email and/or text message about it on the same day, it can create headaches for your office staff as they try to navigate a deluge of calls, and it becomes harder to deliver satisfactory service to patients.

Setting up your patient communications to be delivered evenly throughout the week, rather than just on one day, can alleviate pressures like this and set your patients and staff up for success.

Here’s How to Do It

On the Patient Statements page, scroll down to Settings.

Here, you’ll see a wide range of customization options — Auto Reminder Frequency, Contact X% of Patients per Batch, etc.

There is also a checkbox you can click to Use Recommended Settings.

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By default, Athelas recommends contacting 50% of patients with outstanding PR, distributed evenly on weekdays, no more than once every two weeks.

Let’s break down what that means.

Every seven days, Athelas’ systems find all patients with outstanding PR. It then runs those patients through any filters you may have set — which facility they visited, their provider, their age, and, most importantly, whether they have already been contacted within the past X days.

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Athelas recommends contact no more than once every 14 days.

This is called a ‘batch.’

The recommended settings then tell the system to contact 50% of that batch, but spread out over each of the selected weekdays.

For example, if a full batch includes 100 patients, then 50% of that would be 50 patients. Divide those 50 patients into even groups over five weekdays, and we get 10 patients per day scheduled to receive PR collection texts.

Important Note: Athelas defaults to sort patients by Time Since Contacted Decreasing (i.e. priority is given to the ones contacted least recently), to ensure no patient falls through the cracks. If instead you would like to sort by Balance Decreasing (i.e. priority is given to the ones that owe the most PR), you can choose that option.
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Once customized your filters to your liking, click the Preview button to check that everything looks correct, and make changes if necessary, before saving.

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When you’re satisfied with your settings, click Save Setting.


📢 Further Assistance

We’re here to help! Please get in touch with if you’d like some hands-on assistance.

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