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🥨 Claim Details Export


The Encounters Export represents the encounters found in the Claim Details page. These are all encounters that have been imported into our system. You will receive three reports in this download. They are grouped by encounter, procedure, and insurance type.

Additionally, a raw data sheet is included, so that you can validate the data for your practice.


  • You cannot sum up patient payments here and tie them to revenue graphs. Miscellaneous patient payments do not show up in this report. Only patient payments that pay PR generated from a remittance will show in this report.
  • The total billed amount comes from the latest primary claim submission for an encounter.

Filters Unsupported

  • Date Type: Date Posted
  • Patient Responsibility Status
  • Primary Claim Status & Working Status
  • Secondary Claim Status & Working Status

Filters Supported

  • Date Range: Date of Service & Date of Submission
    • Note: Date Posted is not supported for charges. The billed amount will always default to Date of Service, regardless of other metrics set to Date Posted.
  • Patients
  • Providers
  • Primary Payer
  • Facilities
  • CPT code/CPT Code Range
  • Insurance Payout
  • Partial Payments Only Toggle
  • Encounter ID
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