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🚣🏾‍♀️ Collections Report


The collections report is an overarching view of the amount of money, both insurance and patient, that your site has collected in a given date range.


  • If any column says “overall_” then this column cannot be used to aggregate payments, because it is the aggregate already.
    • i.e. If a column is labeled “overall_amount_paid” and another is labeled “amount_paid,” then you must use the “amount_paid” column to aggregate the payments.
  • If a patient payment has a recorded payment date (input by user), then it will show this date instead of the date the payment was created in the system.
  • This report will not consider the visit date of service. It will only look at date the payment was posted in our system.
  • The insurance payments are all payments posted in Insights. They do not represent payments deposited in the bank.
  • The insurance name comes from Athelas’ insurance mapping. Contact your account manager if you would like to update the mapped insurance.
  • We are working to make each insurance payment posted tie to a deposit in the bank account through our Plaid banking integration. Please contact Athelas staff if you are interested in this feature.

Filters Supported

  • Facilities
  • Date Range: Date Posted
  • Patients
  • Rendering Providers
  • Payers
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