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🎏 Detailed Charges Report


This report contains primary insurance charges from all claim submissions.


  • The provider comes from the rendering provider of the encounter, not the claim submission.
  • The insurance company comes from the claim submission, not the encounter. If the insurance on file for the encounter changes, it will not effect the insurance for the claim submission.
  • The CPT codes are based on the codes submitted. If the procedure codes on file for the encounter change, then it will not effect the CPTs reported for the claim submission.
  • The claim submission must have a date of submission or it will not be included.
  • The claim submission for the encounter must be a part of the site or it will not be included.

Filters Supported

  • Date Range: Date of Service & Date of Submission
  • Patients
  • Providers
  • Facilities
  • Insurance Companies
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