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🏒 Site Transactions Report


This report breaks down your Stripe and recorded patient payments in three distinct ways. This report includes Write-Offs.

Aggregate Metrics

A summary of all categories of patient payments. This report will tie out with patient payments in the rest of the revenue graphs.

Processed Transactions

Each row represents a single Stripe transaction. A single transaction can be a payment towards multiple dates of service. They also each have a “Payout ID” and “Expected Deposit Date” that can be used to tie the transaction to a bank deposit.

Transactions by Charge

Transactions by Charge are payments grouped by the charge on a patients account. Each row represents a payment made towards a charge. This means that a single payment in Processed Transactions can show up as two rows in Transactions By Charge, with the amount paid towards each charge.


Here is an example of how the Transactions by Charge and Processed Transactions reports differ:

  • Payment A $50 made towards two charges with dates of service 12/30 and 1/15
  • Transactions by Charge
    • Request ID
      Total Amount Due
      Amount Paid
  • Processed Transactions
    • Payment ID
      Payout ID
      Amount Paid

Filters Supported

  • Date Time Range: Date Posted
  • Rendering Providers
  • Facilities
  • Patients

Insurance Virtual Card Filters:

  1. Insurance
  1. Date range: Date posted
  1. If any other filter is passed, then we don’t show virtual card transactions.
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