At a Glance
The Accounts Receivable (A/R) Report page allows you to dig into the details of your pending collections from both insurance and patients. Every visualization on this page shares a single set of filters, so drilling down in one graph will update the results in the others, letting you interactively explore the data.
What is A/R?
Accounts Receivable (A/R) simply refers to all uncollected charges from all outstanding sources (patients and payers).
A/R is calculated as follows:
Charges - Adjustments - Insurance Paid - Paid PR = A/R
When viewing claims, you will notice they are labeled either ‘Balanced’ or ‘Not Balanced’ based on that equation.

All unbalanced claims will show up in the A/R Report.

🌐 Core Features
1. Filters & Configuration
The first and most important filter is A/R Mode. This defines what will be considered an A/R charge throughout the dashboard, and has the following options:
- Insurance Charges (Payers)
- Appointment Charges (PR)
- Miscellaneous Charges (PR)
- Self-Pay Charges (PR)

If you want to see Insurance Charges, the filters for Payer, Facility and Provider will appear (the Age Range filter will always be available). Use these filters to narrow down the list of charges you're examining and determine where your performance gaps are.

You also have the option to switch between showing Outstanding Balance vs. Number of Charges in your visualizations.

If you want to see details for any of the PR charges (Appointments, Miscellaneous, or Self-Pay), then you will only be able to further filter results by Age Range.

2. Visualizations
Insurance A/R Distribution
Here you can see all of your pending charges, grouped by the age of the submission. This allows you to get a sense of how many outstanding charges fall into each of these buckets:
- 0-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-120, and 120+ days old

Additionally you can see what percent of all charges for the given time period remain unreconciled. In the example above, for charges between 91-120 days old:
- There are
pending charges
- These represent
of all charges submitted in that time range. - Which means this time range is
Clicking on a column in this graph will update your filters and narrow the data shown in the other two charts on this page.
A/R Payer Breakdown
You can also view a list of the top 20 payers with outstanding A/R, or download the full list as a CSV file. If you filtered to one of the charge age buckets in the previous chart, this payer breakdown will show a payer breakdown just for that selected age segment.

Clicking one or more bars on this chart will also filter the other visualizations on the page to the selected payers.
Insurance A/R Charges
Here you can view high level summary statistics for your filtered list of A/R charges, as well as the details of the charges as well. This list is especially useful if your goal is to check charge statuses in a payer portal.

You can also click the Encounter ID in the right-most column to expand a full detailed view of a charge:

And of course if you prefer to work in a spreadsheet, there’s a ‘Download CSV’ option, above the list headings.
Sorting Options
By default, the Detailed Charges list will sort by Latest Date of Submission. However, you can also sort this list by Date of Service or Initial Date of Submission by clicking the corresponding column heading.

Outstanding PR Charges
The Detailed Charges list will change when you look at Appointments, Miscellaneous, or Self-Pay, rather than Insurance.
Under these filters, you will see a simpler list, with the option to view Patient Details under the Action column.

Click ‘Patient Details’ to view their profile and any charges or outstanding balance they may have.

In Conclusion
The A/R report gives you powerful tools to segment and analyze your pending charges, allowing you to explore your data in a flexible and intuitive manner. If your goal is to reconcile outstanding charges, you have the ability to bring up a list of A/R charges to check statuses for, and those statuses can be uploaded into Athelas via the EOB Creation tool.
- What is the difference between this A/R Report page and the A/R report from My Reports?
- A/R Report Page on Insights is just a visualization of the A/R. The download on My Reports is more granular and offers more ways to group and filter the data. They report the same data.
- Why is this approved and paid claim still showing up as A/R?
- This generally occurs when there is a leftover balance requiring review by our manual posting team.
Example scenario
In this example, the primary payer has approved the encounter and paid everything they’re going to pay, leaving a balance of $11.63. If there were a secondary payer, this balance would then be pushed to them by default, but there is not.

Because the patient is the next payer, Athelas has blocked this balance from being pushed to PR. This is to ensure our systems, and potentially staff, can review the charges and be absolutely certain it should be pushed to PR. Otherwise, it will be adjusted accordingly.
If we click into the details of each procedure, we find four adjustments adding up to $11.63, or the remaining balance.

These adjustments have associated CARC and RARC codes that have not yet been established as automatic adjustments or write offs in the rules engine.
If this practice would like to create rules to always automatically adjust balances from COP12 and COP24, they would contact their account manager to create those rules.
Until this encounter is completely balanced (charges - insurance paid - adjustments - PR = 0), its remaining balance will be considered A/R and be reported as such on Insights.
Please note that this is one possible scenario out of many similar kinds of scenarios. Feel free to reach out to your account manager to go over questions about other cases you may be seeing.
📢 Further Assistance
We’re here to help! Please get in touch with support@getathelas.com if you’d like some hands-on assistance.