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🪃 How to Resubmit Claim(s) for One Patient

A quick guide for this feature on a patient’s profile.

At a Glance

Insights offers multiple ways to modify and resubmit claims individually and in bulk. This guide shows a quick way to update and resubmit one or more claims for a single patient.

Related guides are available here:

Here’s How to Do It

Navigate to the patient’s profile and open the Claims tab.

You can then check the boxes for the claims you’d like to resubmit, then click Resubmit.

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In the popup, you can change the Insurance Priority (primary, secondary, tertiary), as well as the Insurance information.

You can also Create New Insurance in this popup, then select that new insurance from the dropdown menu.

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When updating insurance information in Insights, note that you’ll need to manually update this information in your EHR as well. Insights does import information from your EHR every night, so you could also simply update your EHR and wait a day for the new information to appear, thus reducing the possibility of human error.

Click Confirm Resubmission. A popup will appear asking for confirmation and noting that the selected encounters will be listed as ‘Resubmitted.’

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📢 Further Assistance

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