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👩‍🔬 Encounter Timeline for Claims

The Encounter Timeline allows you to view a snapshot of a claim at any point during its life cycle. This feature is available in the Claim Details page.

At a Glance

The Encounter Timeline tracks all events related to a claim, organized chronologically. This overview will cover the functionality and events visible in each claim’s Encounter Timeline.

The Encounter Timeline applies to claims, rather than patients. Therefore, events like self-pay patient encounters will not appear here.

🌐 Core Feature Walkthrough

From the Claim Details page, choose a claim. That claim’s encounter details will pop up, and then you can click the ‘Timeline’ tab to view the complete life cycle of that claim to date.

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Events Found in the Encounter Timeline

The Encounter Timeline is organized into events, represented by cards, and filled in with relevant information.

The timeline will generally begin with the claim submission creation. Athelas will then import the corresponding encounter, and finally that claim submission will be sent to our clearinghouse for review.

There, it will either be rejected to fix known errors or sent along to the payer.

There are several more possible events that the Encounter Timeline will capture. The ideal final result is payment in full by either payer or patient, at which point the Timeline will end.

Below are some example cards you may find on the Encounter Timeline, with notes calling out important points and further action you can take, when applicable.

Claim Submission Created

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Encounter Imported

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Claim Submission Sent

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Procedure Remittance (ERA or EOB), approved or denied

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Procedure Remittances will indicate whether their information originates from an ERA or an EOB. You can also click on the ‘Adjustments’ dropdown for a detailed explanation and amount for an adjustment. Approved remittances will appear in green, while those that have been denied will appear in red.
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Claim Voided

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In rare cases, if Athelas finds a claim with an error that requires special attention, we will void the claim entirely. We will then create and send a new one.

Encounter Timeline Errors

Claim Pre-check Failed

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Some form of validation failed upon pre-check. Athelas will correct these.

Claim Submission Error

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Some form of validation failed upon submission. Athelas will correct these. Click the ‘Error Message’ dropdown to read details about a claim submission error.

Claim Rejected

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Click the ‘Error Message’ dropdown to read details about a claim rejection. In this example, we can see that an invalid character in the claim threw a wrench in the works.

📢 Further Assistance

We’re here to help! Please get in touch with if you’d like some hands-on assistance.

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