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❔Insights FAQs

Some of the most common questions about Athelas Insights’ core functionality, known aberrations, and purpose are answered here. More specific FAQs are included in guides related to those specific topics.

1. What is Insights?

Insights is the user interface (UI) for Athelas’ Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) product. The landing page looks like this:

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The goal of Athelas RCM is to automate medical billing processes to reduce denials, boost collections, and free up considerable amounts of time for medical staff to spend with patients, rather than doing paperwork.

2. Why should I use Insights?

Medical billing in the US Healthcare system is an extremely complex undertaking, highly prone to human error and costly when done incorrectly. This is because insurance companies will not pay out incorrectly-filed claims.

Because of this dynamic, the national average denial rate hovers around 11% annually.

Insights’ proprietary rules engines attack this problem head-on, applying both global and custom rules to each claim, depending on the practice and payer involved. Medical practices that use Insights see their denials rate drop dramatically, leading to thousands and sometimes millions of dollars recovered, as you can see in these examples from current customers’ sites:

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3. How do I navigate the platform?

The speediest way to navigate Insights is by holding Command + K on a Mac, or Ctrl + K on a PC. This will bring up a universal search modal. From here, you can type in anything you need–a patient’s name, an encounter ID, or even just search for PR Settings.

In this example, you can see the first several navigation options with the keyword testing.

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Alternatively, you can navigate using the left-hand side panel that lists Insights pages, organized into categorical dropdown menus, as shown in this screenshot.

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4. How do I get help when I’m stuck?

Many problems you encounter in Insights can be solved on your own. We have resources to guide you through Insights and explain what’s happening at various steps along the way.

  1. The first place to check when you get stuck on a page or process is in our help center, linked here. It is also linked in the information icon in the header bar on Insights.
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We recommend searching for basic keywords or phrases in the search bar, rather than scrolling through all these individual guides.

For example, if you want to find out what patients see when you email them a statement, you could type statement in the search bar to see if an article exists that may help.

Turns out, there is one!

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Of course, feel free to reach out to your Athelas representative for assistance at any time.


Important Note on Querying HelpKit AI

The phrasing of your query can significantly impact the search results in HelpKit. When querying, it's important to use direct and active keywords or phrases, as these keywords will more closely match the terminology used in the knowledge base.

In cases where HelpKit AI returns no clear response, or says documentation does not exist, please try asking your question in a different way. Direct queries will yield more accurate results.

If you still can’t find your answer, please let us know so we can get you what you need!

The examples below illustrate an indirect query that yields no definitive answer (Fig. 1), and three related direct queries that get the right information (Fig. 2). Click the images to expand them.

Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 2

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