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📆 Appointments Page

Learn how to find relevant appointment information, run eligibility, collect payments, and more.

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At a Glance

The tools provided in our Appointments page will empower your practice to drastically decrease eligibility-related denials, increase up-front patient payments, and reduce the amount of time that front desk staff spend chasing down patient responsibility.

This page is the command center for front desk staff interacting with patients. From this interface you can:

  1. Determine the eligibility of a patient’s insurance
  1. Check their outstanding balances due
  1. Collect co-pays, and pre-pay coinsurance and deductibles
Best Practices 1. Each week, review the eligibility results for the upcoming appointments. Reach out to any patients whose insurance appears to be invalid. 2. At the end of the day, check to see if any patients did not pay their copays. If this is the case, use the ‘Request payment by text message’ (or email) payment option to send them a belated opportunity to pay. 3. When a patient hasn’t met their deductible, collect an upfront deductible deposit while they’re in the office. You can set a default value to charge for unmet deductibles using your Suggested PR Rules.

Patient Eligibility Summary

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Every night, the Athelas Appointment Importer will automatically pull in a list of your practice’s upcoming appointments and load them into your Appointments tab. Then, our systems analyze all detected insurance to confirm that your patients do in fact have eligible coverage.

The results are visible on each row of the appointments tab as a high-level

  • Active/Inactive/Inconclusive determination, indicated by a green checkmark, a red X, or a grey - respectively.
  • Primary, secondary, and tertiary insurance will be displayed in their corresponding order from left to right.

The results also show any patient responsibility and outstanding balances.

Appointments Page Toolbar

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You will notice a colorful toolbar at the top of the page, with buttons for adding a ‘Walk-in Patient,’ running a ‘Live Eligibility Check’ and so forth. The available guides for each of these features are linked below.

By default, your appointments will be filtered to display the current date and hour.

You can, of course, close this filter or apply others (patient, provider, facility, other dates and times, etc.) to see any appointments matching your preferences.

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Individual Appointment Details

If you click on an appointment, away from the patient’s name, you will see all information pertaining to this appointment. From here, you can view their eligibility status and rerun eligibility, view their raw benefits, proceed to collect a payment, and see details about all of these items.

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On this page, there is a dropdown menu in the top right corner with the following quick actions you can take:

Appointment Type

Describe what kind of appointment the patient has here

Appointment Status
  • Scheduled
  • Cancelled
  • No Show
Patient Insurance

Edit or create a new insurance for the patient here. For more information on editing a patient’s insurance, see the Encounter Details page guide.

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  • Delete
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If you need to update a patient’s insurance information, you can do so here or on the Encounter Details page. The guide for that page will show you the steps to take. Please note that you will still need to update this same information in your EHR.

If you click near the patient’s name, their patient profile will appear. Here, you will find information about their dates of service, charges, credits, etc.

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Eligibility Status

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Patients may have ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive’ eligibility. A patient’s eligibility may also return as ‘Inconclusive,’ in which case it may be worth double checking that their information matches that in your practice’s EHR.

The ‘Rules Applied’ field shows which raw benefits apply to this patient.

If there are any ‘Appointment Rules’ set, for example if a particular Service Type Code should apply for this appointment, they show up in the corresponding field.

The ‘Eligibility Rules Applied’ field shows details about how Athelas prioritizes elements of a patient’s eligibility.

See More Details

From the Eligibility Status section, click ‘See More Details’ for further information, as shown in the example below.

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This page will display information about the patient’s ‘Active Coverage,’ ‘Co-Insurance,’ and ‘Deductible.’ You can also specify the kind of information shown by choosing a category in the ‘Service Type’ dropdown menu on the right hand side.

Check-in Status

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Below the Eligibility Status section, you will see that patient’s ‘Check-in Status.’ If, for example, your practice has an onboarding workflow set up with Athelas and the patient has submitted any attendant forms, you see the status of their submissions here.

You can also see an example appointment reminder text, with a button to ‘Resend Text’ below.


Patient Charges

A green dot next to a charge indicates that the charge has been collected. Click on the small receipt icon to view the transaction report of a collected charge.

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Missed Payments & Outstanding Balances

Red text indicates an amount that wasn’t paid at time of service, and underlined red text indicates a large outstanding balance of high priority.

Click the charge to see the patient’s statement.

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From here, you can print or send the statement to the patient to encourage full or partial payment of their bill.

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If the front desk can collect all or part of an outstanding charge from a patient, click ‘Charge.’

There are numerous options for payment collection.

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Explanation of Payment Methods. When you’re ready to take payment, you’ve got options.
  • Request Payment via Email: Send the patient an email of their charges with a secure link to pay.
  • Request Payment via Text: Send a text message with a mobile-friendly payment link.
  • Pay via Credit Card: Use a saved credit card if the patient has one, or you can manually enter credit card details and charge them.
  • Pay via Athelas Card Reader: Use your on-premise card swiper and the patient’s card will automatically be saved for future use.
  • Add to Patient's Balance: If you prefer to take payment later, this will create an amount due on the patient’s account.
  • Record Payment: And lastly, if you’re taking payment via cash, check, or a credit card reader not connected to Athelas, you can record the payment here to keep your records accurate.
    • Important! If you take external payment and do not record it in Athelas, future PR collection attempts will be inaccurate as Athelas will not know what portion of PR has previously been paid. This tends to irritate everyone involved, so be sure to record any external payments!

✨ Bonus Feature: Welcome Message

When completing a payment you’ve got a checkbox option to send the patient a welcome text message that encourages them to save the number in their phone. This will help them feel more comfortable when they receive future text messages requesting payment for their patient responsibility.

Collect Outstanding Balance

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Click ‘Charge’ on an outstanding balance.

Select which outstanding balance(s) you would like to collect (or skip. We’ll get to that in the next section). If you would like to see where certain charges came from, click ‘View Details.’

If you’re collecting all or part of the outstanding balance today with no intention to set up a payment plan, you can manually adjust the numbers in the ‘Paying Today’ column.

In the example above, the patient would like to only pay $100 of the balance from 05/24/24, and the full balance from 04/05/24.

You will notice the Total Balance to be paid today, in the top left corner, adjust accordingly.

Click ‘Confirm & Continue.’

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Make sure all payment setup items are correct, then click ‘Confirm.’

Set Up a Payment Plan

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Check the box to ‘Set Up Payment Plan Today’ and click ‘Confirm & Continue.’

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Fill out the form per the patient’s specifications—frequency, start date, etc. You can also click the toggle at the bottom to ‘Pause Communications,’ so that superfluous reminder texts and emails aren’t sent to the patient.

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Select the patient’s payment method, double check all the settings (perhaps you won’t want to send a welcome message, for example, so uncheck that box), and then click ‘Confirm.’

Send a Receipt

Once you’ve collected payment you can either download the receipt or send it directly to the patient via email and text message. Once that’s complete, you’re all set!

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Skip Payment

If you need to skip a payment, click ‘Skip Payment’ from this modal.

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A reason for the skipped payment is required, so fill it out accordingly and click ‘Proceed.’

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In Conclusion

That’s the rundown on the core features of the Athelas Appointments page. With these skills mastered you have everything you need to smoothly check insurance and collect payment from patients as they come into the office.

Further Assistance

📢 Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Athelas representative should you need further assistance. We’re here to help!

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